In Memory of Gordon C. Thayer

On August 19, 2022, Gordon C. Thayer went home to be with the Lord. For those of us who knew him, we can only imagine God greeting him with these words “Welcome home my good and faithful son…” Gordon C. Thayer the hero is gone but his legacy remains… “Greater love has no one than this than to lay down one’s life for his brother” -John 15:13 NKJV Gordon lived by the USAF Pararescue, motto “ That others may live” His last days on earth were spent in service of the Lord. He became an example to all who witnessed his passion for the Lord. He left this earth as he lived it simply as a servant of the Lord. Through hard times, he kept his mind focused on Jesus. He knew he had a calling in his life. His years in the USAF were spent in Florida, the Azores, and Vietnam. He served as a pararescue special forces airman. Gordon was skilled in rescue and survival, his training included jumping out of helicopters and other aircraft to rescue downed pilots or service members needing rescue from the enemy. Gordon was given the Silver Star award for heroism in the Republic of Vietnam on August 25, 1966.  The award said in part: “On that date, Airman Thayer was a Pararescueman aboard a Rescue Helicopter, which was shot down and forced to crash-land while attempting to evacuate wounded Army personnel. Shaking off the effects of shock of the extremely hard landing and with complete disregard for personal safety, Airman Thayer tended to the Army wounded while subjecting himself to intense hostile fire. By his gallantry and devotion to duty, Airman Thayer has reflected great credit upon himself and the United States Air Force.”His heroism did not stop as he left Vietnam.  He returned to Lac Courte Oreilles and led his tribe during multiple terms on the tribal governing board. However, in the years to come what became most important to Gordon was leading his people to Christ by sharing his faith, eternal life, and a path away from addiction. Gordon had a sincere love for his Ojibwa brothers and sisters and had a passion to reach them throughout the United States and Canada.  The young Ojibwa man in the image above, who jumped willingly out of helicopters in the jungle, remained inside Gordon until his last breath.  He will always be a humble hero with a boyish side that attracted so many to his sage wisdom. Overcomers will forever be grateful for Gordon’s service on earth. The legacy of “That Others May Live” during his time in the Air Force was focused more on their physical well-being after he gave his heart to the Lord his motto changed to “That Others May Live Spiritually”. May we all strive to be in the place where we can hear our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ say “Well done, good and faithful servant!”

Matthew 25:23.

Author- David Brown